Green code training

Starting green coding in your organization is worth initiating with training. This way, we can provide everyone with the basic knowledge of green coding and begin making our own solutions greener quickly.

During the training, we will focus on the fundamentals that will help you understand the importance of green coding. We will cover methods for measuring code efficiency, waste reduction, minimization, and practical solutions. Towards the end, there will also be time for discussion.

The training lasts for one hour and can be organized both in-person and remotely. Are you interested? Fill out the form below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Green code events

Exove’s Chief Growth Officer, Janne Kalliola, actively speaks about green coding and eco-efficient IT both in Finland and abroad. Would you like Janne to speak at your event? The speech can be delivered in either Finnish or English, and the event can be held in-person or remotely. Please inquire about Janne’s availability using the form below.

Upcoming events

Past events

28.10.2023 Aalto Alumni Weekend

Combat exploding IT emissions with green coding

15.9.2023 Tampere WordCamp Finland

ICT Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Exploding – How WordPress Community Should Engage and Contribute Their Part

14.9.2023 Edinburgh Open Technology for Sustainability Day

ICT Greenhouse Gas Emissions Are Exploding – How OS Communities Should Engage and Contribute Their Code

9.6.2023 Helsinki Future Frontend 2023

Energy consumption and countermeasures in modern software

10.5.2023 Helsinki Prosessipäivät

Green code

Interested in hearing more about Green ICT? Let’s connect ??