Green Coding and IT Energy Consumption: A Call to Action

Welcome to the final installment of our series on Green Coding and IT Energy Consumption. Throughout this journey, we have explored various aspects of how the information technology sector can become more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. Now, as we conclude our exploration, we present a set of recommendations for the main stakeholders involved in green software development.

Software Developers

The energy efficiency of written source code and the resulting software depends on developers’ skills and intentions. System requirements set boundaries for energy consumption, but inefficiency can persist if not addressed. 

Developers should take this seriously, understand energy usage, minimize data transmission, and consider library usage. They must also challenge feature proposals that degrade efficiency and familiarize themselves with AI or blockchain energy consumption. Senior developers should mentor less experienced colleagues, accepting that not all changes can be energy-efficient. 

Also differentiate between personal and software carbon footprints, extend device lifecycles, and actively engage in industry-wide solutions discussions.

Component Developers

For developers creating components or libraries, the same energy-efficiency recommendations hold true. It’s especially crucial when the component is widely used. Consider SQLite, present on countless devices and systems; even minor energy improvements have substantial impact. 

Component developers should engage in efficiency discussions, maintain a project-wide approach, and build measurement systems for performance tests. Also significant changes in efficiency need to be analysed.


Efficiency in software extends beyond mere code; it’s deeply woven into user-facing design. Designers share the responsibility of ensuring software energy efficiency. 

They need to prioritise clarity in user interfaces, considering accessibility to reduce errors. There is a need for challenging unnecessary features that can harm efficiency and discussing energy consumption openly.

The designs should strive to prevent problems without resorting to new code. Balancing efficiency with business and user needs is key. 

Testers and Quality Assurance

Beyond developers, quality assurance and testers are pivotal in software evaluation. They catch issues before the software reaches end users, making alterations more manageable. Their role in enhancing software energy efficiency is critical. 

They should approach this seriously and incorporate energy efficiency tests alongside stress and performance evaluations. They need to monitor energy consumption across versions, address sudden increases collaboratively, and engage in discussions about energy consumption’s long-term trends. Identifying waste, designing energy-efficient testing environments, and scheduling resource-intensive load tests are essential steps. Senior-level testers should guide less experienced colleagues in promoting energy efficiency through testing.

Software Companies

Software companies possess significant influence over software energy consumption due to their role in design and development. To create a real impact, upper management needs awareness of this responsibility and the business potential of eco-friendly coding. 

The companies should act promptly, fostering staff expertise, examining architecture comprehensively, optimizing hardware, promoting sustainability, and advocating for carbon-wise solutions within and beyond the company. The goal is not just efficiency but moving towards carbon neutrality or minimal emissions, a vision to communicate and enforce throughout the business network.


In the coming years, prioritizing environmentally friendly software will become increasingly vital and potentially critical. It’s wise to adapt processes and thinking early to avoid being unprepared for future regulations. Environmental considerations in software purchases benefit both the planet and a company’s finances. Energy-efficient software translates to direct savings through reduced resource consumption. Buyers hold significant influence; they can set the rules.

To move in the right direction, partner with carbon-wise digital agencies across design, development, and maintenance. Demand environmentally responsible implementations and factor this into your budgeting. Assess the environmental impact of digital solutions, focusing on carbon handprint and footprint, considering the entire value chain. Implement changes gradually and spread awareness within your organization and procurement networks.


Typically, an application’s energy consumption starts with its users. A critical approach to personal app use is essential. Do we need the constant presence of our mobile phones? Are repetitive tasks merely joyless routines? Breaking these habits enhances mental well-being and reduces app-related energy use, a win-win.

Of utmost importance is reducing video consumption, a major contributor to internet traffic. Shifting from video to text significantly reduces energy demand. Let’s also optimise device usage by reducing updates, prioritising repairs over replacements, and choosing energy-efficient connectivity options. In this digital age, mindful consumption and engagement can pave the way for a greener, more satisfying experience.


In our blog post series, we explored the hidden energy costs of software development, introducing the concept of “Green Coding.” We discussed the IT industry’s rising energy consumption and practical strategies for energy-efficient software development.

We delved into software inefficiency, the energy-intensive nature of Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Each post provided recommendations for greener practices in these areas.

In the final installment, we issued a call to action for developers, component creators, designers, quality assurance professionals, software companies, buyers, and users to prioritize energy efficiency in their roles. Together, we can create a greener, more sustainable digital future.

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