
Rukakeskus: Steps towards more sustainable IT operations

Rukakeskus is investing in sustainability and wanted to explore the current state of their IT operations. With Exove’s new Green IT Maturity model, organizations can now easily assess how well they have implemented sustainability aspects in their IT operations. The model evaluates the company’s IT operations in terms of sustainability, energy efficiency, low emissions, and circular economy, among other factors. Rukakeskus’ previous sustainable development efforts have focused on the company’s fixed infrastructure, energy consumption, and similar activities. Additionally, they have a desire to operate sustainably, and there is keen interest in IT greenery.

From review to concrete steps for development

The evaluation began by going through all the over 40 criteria of the Green IT maturity model, interviewing the customer, and bringing out various perspectives. After the interviews, a report containing areas for development and a numerical assessment were compiled.

Working with Exove was clear and straightforward. The discussions with the experts were helpful from the perspective of further work and provided a valuable addition to the report itself.

Jusu Toivonen, Sustainability Specialist Rukakeskus Oy, Pyhätunturi Oy, Ski-Inn Oy

So far, in several criteria, no actions have been taken regarding environmental impacts. According to the assessment conducted by Exove, reaching the next level can be easily achieved by increasing awareness of these issues and through process improvement, while genuinely addressing the environmental burden caused by Rukakeskus’ information technology.

Way forward after the assessment

Raising the maturity level of Rukakeskus should begin with the basics. At the core of success and its sustainability is gaining support from management and the entire staff for the process. Additionally, it is essential that changes are made gradually, at a reasonable pace, to ensure that the company’s staff are also engaged. Following the recommendations of the assessment report, the next steps for Rukakeskus could include:

  • 1

    Drafting procurement guidelines and incorporating Green IT principles either as recommendations or requirements.

  • 2

    Definition and documentation of processes.

  • 3

    Creation of a recurring reporting cycle.

  • 4

    Determining the emissions of platform services.

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    Adding IT emissions to the carbon footprint calculation as part of Scope 3 emissions accounting

It is worth mentioning that Rukakeskus is currently undergoing Scope 3 emissions accounting, which also includes consideration of IT procurement.

The maturity model provided us with a comprehensive overview of IT sustainability perspectives as well as our current state of operations. The final report will help us prioritize areas for future improvement.

Jusu Toivonen, Sustainability Specialist Rukakeskus Oy, Pyhätunturi Oy, Ski-Inn Oy

The above-mentioned measures were prioritized based on their impact and straightforward implementation. With these recommendations, Rukakeskus can further develop its IT operations to be more sustainable and strengthen its position as a sustainability leader in the ski resort industry. According to Rukakeskus, the assessment also served as a good introduction to IT sustainability as a whole and highlighted areas that require attention.

Are you ready to make your IT practices and software more sustainable? Take the first step towards this by booking a free consultation. ??

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