Applying for our Trainee Program? This is the recruitment process

In January, Exove will start accepting applications to our annual Trainee Program, which starts in the summer. This text will give you information on our recruitment and selection processes to ensure that you will have a successful, uncomplicated application process.

First round of interviews + tests

After reading your well-written application we would like to get to know you a bit better by inviting you for an interview. The first round of the interviews will be conducted by our Human Resources expert and Technical Competence Manager. The point of the interview is to see what kind of a person you are and how good of a fit you would be for our trainee program and our company culture. Because the interviews will be short, it would be good for you to get to know Exove beforehand using our website. You can naturally ask some follow-up questions in the interview, but we expect you to know the company you are applying to.

The interviews in the first round will also include a test on programming or some other skills relevant to the position. The test will take 2 hours and the tasks in it will vary according to the trainee position applied to. The candidates for the second round of interviews will be selected based on the first interviews and the test.

Second round of interviews

We hope our trainees stay with us after the summer, which is why we have a second phase of interviews to get to know you better. In this interview you will meet our CTO and be able to tell us about your skills and aspirations.

Employment contract

✅ If you are one of the newly selected trainees, congratulations! Our HR will be in touch with you to arrange some practical matters.

❌ In case you were not selected this time, please remember that you can apply again next year!

We strive to communicate actively about the course of the applying process. You can also ask about your application or any other matters related to the trainee program by emailing us at

Good luck to you all!

P.S. Join our recruitment email list called #dreamfriends to get info on new positions and anything new at Exove directly into your own inbox

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