Applying for our Trainee Program? Follow these tips to create a good application!

Exove has organised a Trainee Program during summer successfully already for 10 years! By the years and from the hundreds of applicants and various different colleges, we’ve been able to find amazing new #dreamcolleagues who have gotten their first jobs in the IT field with us and even grown at Exove all the way from Developer Trainees to managers.

Here we will give you a couple of pointers on how to create a great application!
Taking extra care with your application is well worth it, because there are often a lot of applicants and the document is your only way to stand out ?

So, what should the application include?

  • Why are you applying to Exove of all places? Describe what interests you about Exove and the position you are applying for.

  • What makes you a great addition to our team? What do you expect our company, employees and work tasks to be like? How do you fit into the picture?

  • What kind of experience do you have on the skills we expect from our trainee? Here you might tell us about a project or a study project you participated in, what it contained and what your role in it was.

  • Do you have any other experience or technical skills you consider essential and would like to highlight? 

  • Where are you in your studies? Are you perhaps in your first year or about to graduate? How are you planning to finish your studies?

  • Which trainee position are you most interested in?

  • In which of the Exove’s offices would you prefer working? 

  • When are you able to start working?

Read more about the Exove’s Trainee Program
Trainee Program

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