
Sitedrive: Boosting Product Development Efficiency

Sitedrive develops web-based applications to streamline operations in the construction industry. At the beginning of 2023, they decided to revolutionize their product development efficiency and implement one of their products, the Takt scheduling application, as their first project with a new development team and management approach.

To ensure success, Sitedrive sought the assistance of Exove to facilitate the change, and together with Sitedrive’s team we took action, under the leadership of Janne Kalliola.

Web-based application

Boosting product development efficiency

The goal was to implement the Takt application with a new architecture and cloud-native implementation in under six months.

At the start of the year, Sitedrive set a clear goal to implement the Takt application with a new architecture and cloud-native implementation in under six months. At the project’s outset, about half of the required internal development team was available, with the rest to be recruited along the way. Simultaneously, they would establish the necessary processes and practices for software development and roadmap planning.

Niki Saukolin, Managing Director at Sitedrive, described the initial situation as follows:

In order to efficiently and effectively scale our product as our customer base grows, it was essential to develop a new operating model for product development and to standardize our product architecture. We saw Janne's support as a crucial part of driving the change, as an expert external perspective would help us remain objective and evaluate things more comprehensively.

Exove’s consultant Janne Kalliola primarily acted as a sparring partner for Sitedrive’s new CTO Henri Hovi. A common understanding was quickly found, and the division of tasks was clear: Hovi was responsible for decision-making and execution with his team, while Exove’s expert Kalliola focused on the bigger picture and brought identified development areas to the attention of Hovi and his team. In addition to process development, our expert participated in product development but in a guiding role only and focused on helping Sitedrive consider all relevant aspects when making decisions.

Janne's experience and observational skills were extremely valuable in the spring. We implemented so much change during that time that it would have been impossible to consider every detail without an extra pair of eyes. The most challenging part when choosing a sparring partner was finding someone who understands management in the big picture while remaining well-versed in hands-on software development and current technologies.

Henri Hovi, CTO

Beyond product development, Exove’s consultant Kalliola channeled his extensive experience as an entrepreneur and leader to benefit the rest of Sitedrive’s organization. Exove helped Sitedrive in areas such as personnel management, data protection, product management, and customer communication as well as participated as an external expert in developing Sitedrive’s strategy.

The Takt project was successfully completed within the promised timeline, and the initial demonstrations to the first customers were successful. Production deployments began within half a year of starting the project.

“I’m truly impressed by what you have accomplished in such a short time. This team ranks in the top three of the teams I’ve seen, and I’ve witnessed dozens, if not hundreds, of product development teams throughout my career. Your speed and the quality of your work are world-class. Be proud of your achievements.” Kalliola commented on the project and achievements towards Sitedrive. 

Following Takt, Sitedrive’s product development continues with the development of additional industrial construction applications and a cohesive product family. The foundation laid in the spring is strong and continually evolving with the team’s efforts.

I am thrilled that Exove has given us the opportunity to work with Janne and to benefit from his invaluable experience in building our growth story. I see that we will continue to collaborate with him in coaching and mentoring for a long time to come.

Niki Saukolin, Managing Director at Sitedrive

The collaboration between Exove and Sitedrive will continue in the future. Kalliola will act as a management advisor, regularly providing support for product development and management, and personnel management.

Sitedrive is a technology company dedicated to advancing the construction industry towards industrialization. Their work site-oriented Sitedrive software facilitates the planning, execution, and communication between various parties involved in construction projects. With over 70 clients, more than 300 construction sites, and over 1000 weekly users, the software has proven its ability to significantly shorten construction project completion times.

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