All the way from Italy to Senior Developer & Competence Manager at Exove

Nearly seven years ago, after an already extensive career, Lorenzo Coronati wanted a change of scenery from Italy. His eyes were primarily set on Scandinavia as he had for a long time been in love with the Nordic countries. Read Senior Developer & Competence Manager Lorenzo’s full career story and how he ended up at Exove to join the fight in defrustrating the digital. 

At Exove almost everyone knows everyone, like a big family so to speak

How the journey at Exove began

When Lorenzo started looking for new opportunities outside of Italy, mainly in Scandinavia, he faced a struggle that most of the workplaces required at least a basic knowledge of the country’s primary language. As an opposite to this, Finland presented the possibility for a foreigner to succeed without the knowledge of its own languages. When applying for Exove and during the first parts of the application process, Lorenzo was still residing in Italy and did two interviews and a coding test remotely. After the initial parts of the process he decided to make a trip to Finland to meet the people at Exove in person. Finland was not unknown to Lorenzo, he was familiar with the people, culture and the climate which made the possible move a bit easier. 

From the start Lorenzo had a good feeling about the company, with a good impression of the people handling the interviews. Luckily, the feelings were mutual and Lorenzo was offered a position at Exove, where his initial tasks involved support work. Furthermore, the size of Exove as a company was a good fit for Lorenzo since he did not want to work in a very large company where it is difficult to establish personal relationships. At Exove almost everyone knows everyone, like a big family so to speak. 

A possibility to grow and succeed in one place

Over time Lorenzo’s responsibilities have evolved and grown significantly, which also has to do with his own desire to take upon new challenges. When looking back at the beginning of his career at Exove, he is happy that he landed in a team that was doing support work for existing projects. This made him get a broader perspective on what kind of projects there were and what kind of work Exove is doing. 

“After some months people at Exove had gotten a better understanding of my skills and so I was assigned to some specific type of client support which was most similar to my background”. In other words, his skills were used in the best possible way. The first big change for Lorenzo at Exove was when he became team lead and started concentrating more on taking care of people, besides actual development. But, this was not where he stopped growing within the company – the next step was when he stepped into the role as technical competence manager and also added senior developer to his resume. This was yet again a good fit for Lorenzo who enjoys working with people and things that are not strictly into programming, but more managerial things. 

At Exove you can see that the work you do is appreciated

When asked what makes Exove a good workplace according to Lorenzo, there is not a second of hesitation before he answers “people, definitely”. When he joined the company he had to make a decision based on a few people but the reason for this long stay and no plans of leaving is all due to the fact that he enjoys the cooperation with the people at Exove. He also highlights the fact that he initially had a negative view on career journeys in the Nordics, based on what he had read about the fact that in order to get a raise or move up the ladder in your career you have to change companies. “Luckily that is not the case at Exove and you can see that the work you do here is appreciated”. After almost seven years at Exove, Lorenzo has no desire to leave.  On the contrary he is looking for new opportunities inside the company where he could have an even more impactful role. 

The role in defrustrating the digital

Lorenzo’s strength is his client communication. “One thing I am good at is finding the right approach to the customers. In general clients like me and it is important when looking to establish long lasting relationships with clients. I can find the right tone and the right lexicon to explain things to the clients, and adapt to their level of knowledge and adversity to the topic”. With the help of his excellent communication skills, sometimes regarding difficult topics, he has a big role in minimizing or even eliminating the clients’ digital frustrations. 

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