Exove joins the PunaMusta Media Group

We are truly excited to become a part of the PunaMusta Media family. It marks the beginning of a new era of growth and significance for us, although much of our operations will remain largely unchanged from the perspective of our clients and Exove employees.

Our utmost priority has always been to create excellent digital services for our clients, and provide a good and development-oriented work environment for all Exove employees. We have consistently approached our work sustainably, respecting the environment and society while promoting positive progress. With this change, we will be able to put increased focus on these priorities.

Exove has operated independently since it was founded 17 years ago. Through this share acquisition, Exove will grow and expand its capabilities even further. We will be able to offer our clients more comprehensive and strategic value. For Exove employees, we can build more diverse career paths and opportunities for growth.

This change does not affect our values, culture, or ways of working. These are at the core of Exove and the reasons why our clients and the industry’s top professionals thrive with us. We are delighted that these align well with PunaMusta Media’s ways of operating and values.

We are now part of a larger community while preserving the essence of Exove. This is what excites us the most.

PSST: You can find more information about the PunaMusta corporate family at punamusta.com, and the press release on this topic here (in finnish): https://www.punamustamedia.fi/tiedote/sisapiiritieto-punamusta-media-oyj-on-ostanut-exove-oyn-koko-osakekannan/

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