Developer Trainee became a Competence Manager

Marc was at the final stage of his studies in 2014 when he applied for Exove Trainee Program. From the moment he first got familiar with the company philosophy, he knew this was the job for him.

Balancing between work and school

After the trainee program ended, Marc wasn’t pressured to continue working full-time, quite the opposite: he was encouraged to finish his degree and offered various ways to accommodate both studies and work. The decision to work full-time came from himself and he finished his studies at the same time – he was ready to start his career.

”School was about creating a mindset that’s good for solving problems. Looking back on it, my studies had already prepared me for working in the IT industry,” Marc summarises.

At Exove, Marc got to work for various big and small client projects, and was trusted with client communication even as a Trainee. The most important lesson he has learned is listening to the client and helping them defining their needs. It’s a partnership – working together to create shared value by thoroughly knowing the client.

Trying out a bit of everything

Marc was hired as a front-end developer but through the diverse set of project tasks and technologies he got involved with, he became more of a full-stack developer.”It’s part of the beauty of working at Exove: you get to touch a bit of everything, if you are willing to learn and push yourself,” he says.

Marc’s career has evolved from a Trainee to a Senior Developer and a Team Lead, and more recently to supervisor to some of his colleagues as a Technical Competence Manager. As a Team lead he got better at listening to people which proved to be a very useful skill in his current role. “I like to put myself outside of my comfort zone,” Marc mentions as one of the key factors for his fast career development.

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